Free computer algebra software


In this section you will find all the help to install and use xcas on different programmable calculators, which are the most common for students and researchers.


Giac/Xcas is the computer algebra kernel integrated into HP Prime calculators, here are adocumentation written by Renée De Graeve. The HP Prime applications (Android, iOS, Windows Store) of course also use Giac/Xcas.

Casio graph 90+ and 35eii

Giac/Xcas is ported to Casio Graph 90+e and compatible calculators (CG10/20/50) and Graph 35eii under the project name KhiCAS (little pun with the Greek letter Khi which looks like the X of Xcas, this project is not supported by Casio).


Giac/Xcas is ported to TI Nspire calculators (CAS and non-CAS) under the project name KhiCAS (little pun with the Greek letter Khi which looks like the X of Xcas, this project is not supported by TI).


numworks calculators are the new generation of calculators used from high school, because of its simple and logical use, that's why khicas is also available for this type of calculators, and we explain in detail its installation and use on this page.

Giac/Xcas (c) 2022 B. Parisse, R. De Graeve, Institut Fourier, Université de Grenoble. Ce site est fourni aux conditions de la GFDL (Gnu Free Documentation Licence).

Remerciements à Elie Carrot, Eliott Dokenoo et Zexi Ru dont le travail sur le site web de Xcas a inspiré le design de cette page.